THE FORMOSA EXPERIMENT von Verena Kyselka (Konzept und Regie) und Anett Vietzke (Montage) läuft auf dem 1. Filmfestival Berlin Lichtenberg, am Freitag (7.11. 2014) um 20.30 Uhr, im HB55 Räume der Kunst.
The situation on the island of Formoza in the South Pacific Ocean is getting worse. Memories of dictatorship and tyranny prevail. Protest is spreading. The entire world is in turmoil. A secret experiment to relocate the island is carried out. Suddenly, the island disappears altogether with its people. The world powers of China, Russia, USA and Japan blame each other. Three new populated islands re-emerge scattered around the globe. What are the consequences? An island myth is created. Women from different cultural backgrounds take a ritual bath together and associate the memories.
Kulturfabrik HB55, Herzbergstrasse 55, 10365 Berlin, Tram 21/37/M8 Bus 256/N56

Kulturfabrik HB55, Herzbergstrasse 55, 10365 Berlin, Tram 21/37/M8 Bus 256/N56